

In-depth participation of the owner, reviewing the full record of the project design program

On September 4, a refining furnace project in charge of our company ushered in a joint review of the program, in which WISDRI, CERI , the owner and Ximetallurgical gathered for a high-profile, in-depth technical program review meeting. The meeting not only marked that the project had entered a critical stage, but also showed a magnificent picture of the strong alliance and collaborative innovation between Xiye and all parties.

The joint program review brought together the top strengths of two leading engineering and technology enterprises, namely, WISDRI, CERI. With its excellent design capability and rich engineering experience, combined with the deep heritage of WISDRI, CERI in energy saving and emission reduction, and intelligent transformation, both parties joined hands with the owner and Xiye to carry out in-depth discussions and optimization of the project plan in an all-round and multi-angle manner. This is not only a feast of technical exchanges, but also a vivid practice of fusion of wisdom of many parties to climb the peak of technological innovation together.

Mr. Zhen, the representative of the owner party, expressed his high hope for the project and emphasized the significance of the project in enhancing the competitiveness of the enterprise and promoting the development of the local economy at the meeting. They spoke highly of the professional ability of the cooperation team and said that they would fully support the technological innovation to ensure the smooth implementation of the project, and looked forward to witnessing a modernized, energy-efficient refining furnace standing on the bank of the Yangtze River at an early date, setting a new benchmark for the development of the industry.

The project actively responds to the call of the state, the green development concept throughout. At the joint review meeting, all parties focused on how to further improve energy efficiency, and strive to maximize environmental friendliness during the implementation of the project, setting a new benchmark of green manufacturing for the industry. After several rounds of in-depth exchanges and discussions, all parties reached a broad consensus on the technical program, which laid a solid foundation for the smooth progress of the project, realized business synergy, departmental linkage, and exerted a concentrated synergy, and ensured that the results of the planning were put into practice by identifying the problems in the planning ahead of time and making corrections in a timely manner. This is not only the victory of technology, but also the manifestation of cooperation spirit.

In the future, we will continue to work closely together, and refine every link with the spirit of craftsmanship, so as to jointly promote the project to become a model in the industry, and contribute to the metallurgical industry in China and even around the world.

Post time: Sep-06-2024