

From the Office to the Forest Challenge, See How We’ve Taken Our Team to New Heights

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In order to further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the management team, and improve the communication and collaboration among the staff, in June of summer, Xiye organized the leading cadres to come to the depths of the mountains to carry out the group building activities with the theme of "Hand in Hand, Challenge Unlimited", which aimed to improve the team cohesion, centripetal force, execution, and to increase or decrease the communication and collaboration among the team members.

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Deep in the mountains, the canyon sports park became the main battlefield of this group building. 13 well-designed water levels, each of which is a testing ground for wisdom and courage. From the fun of "Big Foot" to the thrill of "Flying Wall", every step tested the tacit understanding and trust between team members. In the "Big Foot" project, team members need to rely on each other's tacit understanding and trust, to coordinate the pace, and walk through the wavering large inflatable cushion together, behind the seemingly simple task, it is a profound test of teamwork ability. The "flying wall" is an extreme challenge of courage and skills, requiring each team member to remain calm in the air, using ropes and stakes to quickly cross, this process is not only a breakthrough in the personal limit, but also a vivid reflection of the team's encouragement and support.

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Whether it is through the "zip line over the stream" to experience the heartbeat acceleration of flying through the air, or in the "floating pile bridge" on the step by step cautious forward, each project is not only a challenge to the individual ability, but also a perfect display of the team spirit of cooperation. "Hand in hand" is not only the name of a project, it has become the core value of this group building.

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Imagine what kind of sparks will collide when those data-savvy and analytical technical brains leave the office and are in the verdant landscape of the Terminal South? Yes, they not only sketched out the precision in the world of CAD, but also showed their amazing physical ability and wisdom in outdoor development. The steady pace on the high ropes and the wisdom in "Flying over Luding Bridge" all showed the multi-dimensional ability and elegance of Xiye people. It turns out that their talent is not only limited to drawings and data, but also lies in their calmness and boldness in the face of unknown challenges.

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The future of Xiye will be brighter because of this unity and challenge. In the coming days, we hope that all the staff of the company will fully carry forward the spirit of teamwork, be united and face the challenges, successfully complete the company's annual goals and tasks, and build up energy for the high-quality development of the Group, and continue to "set sail on the dream, and challenge the infinite" with more enthusiasm and fearless courage!

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Post time: Jun-27-2024