

Fighting on the Front Line, Xiye People are Fearless of the Heat

In this blazing summer, when most people are looking for shade to avoid the summer heat, there is a group of Xiye people who choose to go against the direction of the sun, and resolutely stand under the hot sun, and write the loyalty and dedication to the profession with their tenacity and sweat. They are the guardians of the project construction, the pride of Xiye, and the most touching scenery in this summer.

Recently, with the temperature rising to a historical high, a number of key projects undertaken by Xiye entered the critical construction period. Facing the challenge of extreme weather, Xiye people did not retreat, but inspired a stronger fighting spirit and determination, vowing to overcome all the difficulties to ensure that the project is completed on time and with high quality, and deliver a satisfactory answer to the owners.

At the construction site, the busy figures of Xiye people can be seen everywhere. They wore helmets and overalls, and sweat soaked through every inch of their clothes, but the perseverance and concentration on their faces did not waver in the slightest. Every one of them stuck to their posts and worked closely together to ensure that every process was carried out accurately and without mistakes. Engineers braved the heat, carefully checking each data to ensure the quality of the project; workers are in the premise of ensuring safety, competing against the clock to promote the construction progress, every drop of sweat are cohesive love of work and commitment to the firm. 

We know that every sweat is for the heavy responsibility; every persistence is to make the blueprint into reality. Here, we would like to pay the highest tribute to all Xiye people who fought in the high temperature. It is you who have interpreted what is responsibility and commitment and what is craftsmanship with practical actions. You are not only the backbone of Xiye, but also the heroes of this era. Let's look forward to the days when sweat condenses into splendor and those days of struggle under the hot sun will be remembered as a glorious history.

Post time: Aug-27-2024