

Educational Activities on the Theme of July 1 Party Founding Day

To carry out the spirit of the Party and remember the glorious history of the Party, Xiyue hereby organizes the theme education activities of "Carrying forward the spirit of founding the Party and gathering the power of advancement" on July 1, which aims to carry forward the great spirit of founding the Party in a colorful form and stimulate the sense of responsibility and mission of all the staff, and join hands in order to To stimulate love for the Party and patriotism, and jointly inject inexhaustible power for the development of the new era.


Back in the summer of 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC) was proclaimed in a small boat in Shikumen, Shanghai and Nanhu Lake, Jiaxing, and since then, the face of the Chinese revolution has been completely new. From the difficult exploration to the start of a prairie fire, from the anti-Japanese salvation to the liberation of the whole of China, and then to the great practice of inspiring governance and reform and opening up after the founding of New China, the CPC has always been adhering to its original heart and mission of seeking the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In this thematic educational activities, through the thematic education and knowledge lectures, red movie watching, party history knowledge contest and other forms, let everyone deeply understand the great founding spirit of the party, "adhere to the truth, adhere to the ideals, practice the original intention, take up the mission, not afraid of sacrifice, heroic struggle, loyalty to the party, not to lose the people". This is not only a high degree of condensation of the CPC's century-long history of struggle, but also a spiritual lighthouse that guides each and every employee to move forward in their work and life.


The fierce "Party History Knowledge Contest" was hotly staged. Employees actively participated in the contest to promote learning, not only to test the results of the previous study, but also in a tense and exciting atmosphere, to further deepen the theoretical knowledge of the party and the glorious history of the understanding of the party, inspired everyone to learn the history of the party, the enthusiasm of the inheritance of the red gene.

Through a series of educational activities on the theme of Party Day, our company not only enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the team, but also planted the red seed in everyone's heart, so that the great spirit of the founding of the party in the daily work of the roots and germination. Let us work hand in hand, under the strong leadership of the party, with more high morale and full of enthusiasm, for the company's prosperous development, for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and unremitting struggle!

Let's take this opportunity to not only align ourselves with the Party in our thoughts, but also follow the Party's steps in our actions, and transform the great spirit of founding the Party into a powerful impetus to promote the company's high-quality development. Whether it is scientific and technological innovation, teamwork, or the fulfillment of social responsibility, we should strictly demand ourselves to contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Post time: Jul-08-2024