

Concentration, Gathering Strength, Setting Sail, Riding the Wind and Waves, and Walking with Xiye

After the busy work, in order to regulate the work pressure, create a passionate, responsible and happy working atmosphere, so that we can better meet the second half of the year, in this July, the Sales Department and the Technical Department joined hands to open a group building trip - a feast of food, laughter and team spirit!

Everything started with a relaxing ice-breaking game. In this small sense of ceremony, we unloaded the armor of our daily work, filled the awkwardness of the first meeting with laughter and applause, and let the distance between heart and mind quietly shorten. At that moment, not only colleagues, but also friends, partners walking side by side. The subsequent customized team tasks were a double test of wisdom and tacit understanding. We brainstormed and supported each other, and the success of each challenge witnessed the power of efficient collaboration. In our joint efforts, we deeply understood that: one person can walk fast, but a group of people can walk far.


At nightfall, an indoor party and an outdoor camping barbecue brought the atmosphere to a climax. The technical masters who usually plan and strategize in the digital kingdom were transformed into “food magicians” in front of the grill, interpreting the new role of “grill master” with precise techniques and unique craftsmanship, while the sales elites became the masters of atmosphere adjustment, adding the most dynamic footnote to the night with their laughter and applause. The sales elites became the masters of atmosphere regulation, adding the most touching footnote to this night with their laughter and applause. The skewers of meat on the grill were sizzling, as if telling a warm story between the team. The fun games interspersed among them were like an invisible silk thread, closely connecting the lively scenes, and the happiness was so simple and pure.


“Work with all your might, live up to it.” This is not just a slogan, but a philosophy of life that we really feel in the activities. In Xiye, we encourage every member not only to shine in the workplace, but also to know how to enjoy every moment of life.


When the day's gathering came to an end, we returned with full of memories and a closer team bond. Looking back, it is the stories and growth along the way; looking down, it is the solid footprints of each step; looking up, it is the clearly visible picture of the future. In this summer, because there are you, there are me, there are common goals and dreams, the time has become extraordinarily gentle and meaningful.


Xiye's group building activity is not just a simple gathering, it is a vivid display of our corporate culture, a deep nourishment of team spirit, and a promise of unlimited possibilities for the future. Thanks for every encounter, let's look forward to the next gathering and continue to write a wonderful chapter belonging to Xiye!

Post time: Jul-25-2024